Key and Peele - Season 1
This television series show centers around the sketch comedy of Key and Peele, who through their show, make fun of the current events and general subjects, as they each episode, discuss a specific subject and cover it all, through a satirical discussion, the thing that attracts the viewers and leads them to follow the show.
22 April 1943, Richmond, Virginia, USA
28 November 1967, Odessa, Texas, USA
24 June 1958, Compton, California, USA
10 June 1989, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
8 September 1966, Houston, Texas, USA
22 February 1929, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
24 February 1976, Mount Vernon, Illinois, USA
15 March 1975, San Francisco, California, USA
20 October 1977, Los Angeles, California, USA
24 November 1973, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA
August 3, 1989 in Los Angeles, California, USA
24 July 1973, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
21 August 1970, Buffalo, New York, USA
September 05, 2018
Therein lies the core of Key & Peele's success. It's sketch comedy written from an optimistic perspective, even though it does cover issues of race equality and norms.September 05, 2018
We have two likable and funny guys and a lot of untapped material. That's an excellent start.September 05, 2018
The first, and still the strongest, of the anger translator bits. So young! So new! So exciting! The world was their oyster, and this sketch established K&P as a show and a brand.September 13, 2018
Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele's Comedy Central show masterfully takes on a mixed-race society where keeping it real is impossible.September 05, 2018
The good news is that the material makes its own gravy, and you can find something worthwhile no matter which episode you watch.September 05, 2018
When the show goes too broad, the jokes become generic. But when the satire is sharp and keenly focused, Key & Peele is comedy with real muscle behind it.September 05, 2018
Give Key & Peele a shot; I think both halves of you will find something to like.September 05, 2018
The confident and amusing Key & Peele will inevitably be compared to Chappelle's Show...the first couple of episodes of Key & Peele contained more hits than misses, and none of the misses were actually bad.