In an exciting story we live in by a man named Frank Dux, a US Army artist. Frank decided to leave the army to practice his favorite art, a martial arts game in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, Frank can perform many tasks that seem more dangerous and may turn into major battles that have not yet ended. It is the story of an officer who tries to break his habits in order to practice what he wants.
12 May 1975, Australia
September 17, 2002
Enough martial-arts to fill a sushi boxAugust 09, 2007
A campy Van Damne actioner fit for lovers of B films.July 14, 2003
Classic Van Damme. Fighting, fighting and more fighting.March 24, 2005
Scary to think that a movie this bad could make anyone a star.September 18, 2010
Van Damme may have been an excellent martial artist (he had fought as an amateur and professionally for several years before entering the movies), but he was no actor.July 25, 2002
Lotsa chop-socky and basically nothing else.November 02, 2008
Bloodsport is strictly for martial arts buffs; little is offered here in the way of plot, dialog, or acting.May 22, 2004
Proudly plotless in a way that other low-budget actioners ought to emulate more often.February 09, 2006
A well-plucked turkey, humourless and plagued by a script full of stilted mumbo-jumbo.