The Fountain
The film consists of three story lines, one each from the past, present, and future, a modern-day scientist and his cancer-stricken wife, a conquistador and his queen, and a space traveler in the future who hallucinates his lost love.
25 May 1976, Manhattan, New York, USA
20 March 1951, Beaverton, Ontario, Canada
16 April 1964, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
26 March 1959, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
17 December 1970, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
26 November 1939, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
27 July 1968, Rotorua, New Zealand
3 February 1947, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
7 March 1970, Westminster, London, England, UK
February 3, 1947 in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
July 06, 2010
A metaphysical muddle.July 06, 2010
It's difficult to recall another American film that, in pursuing a passionate and personal vision, goes so maddeningly, uproariously wrong.November 16, 2012
The enormous, and sometimes inspired, visual arc of Aronofsky's reach sadly exceeds his narrative's basic grasp.November 29, 2006
Mr. Aronofsky's outlook on life remains too constantly pessimistic for my taste, and too completely joyless as well.February 20, 2014
Perhaps in twenty more years or so, [The Fountain] will be recognized for the utterly gorgeous masterpiece that it is.November 27, 2006
Darren Aronofsky clearly didn't set out to make a usual movie...[The Fountain's] a story of overreaching that itself overreaches, but that might have been impossible to avoid.January 25, 2007
Lurches on a thin line between hyper-ornate space oddity and extended perfume advert.September 24, 2010
Visual alchemist Darren Aronofsky's most personal work is a double helix of love and loss - death entwined with life as existence's only reliable truths. It offers a transfixing merger of biological imperatives and musings on creativity and tragedy.November 30, 2006
The Fountain is the story of a gifted artist who dared to reach for the stars and paid for his ambition with a really stupid movie.November 27, 2006
This is one of the worst movies of the year.September 14, 2007
I will concede the film is not a great success. Too many screens of blinding lights. Too many transitions for their own sake. Abrupt changes of tone.