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Miami Blues
Frederick Frenger is a psychopath killer who has recently been released from the prison and moved to Miami to start a new life. Instead of making a fresh new life, Frederick continues committing criminal affairs. That's where the devoted cop Sgt. Hoke Moseley come in.
26 September 1941, Port Antonio, Jamaica
14 May 1926, Miami, Florida, USA
5 February 1962, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
27 January 1961, San Francisco, California, USA
30 May 1942, Vallejo, California, USA
24 March 1947, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
30 August 1966, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
30 March 1929, Brooklyn, New York, USA
30 December 1942, San Diego, California, USA
1940, New York City, New York, USA
13 September 1926, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
13 July 1921, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
4 May 1939, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
6 November 1952, Los Angeles, California, USA
February 27, 2003
A solid but unmemorable crime thriller.April 07, 2005
One of Baldwin's best performances in a solid black comedyMay 24, 2003
A cunningly hip crime caper that packs a decent amount of swaggerApril 03, 2005
Hard-boiled and consistently surprising. The entire cast shines.April 27, 2015
What makes Miami Blues so true to its source material is that its "fun," fizzy elements don't completely dispel the roiling bile in its belly.January 01, 2000
Disarming black comedy-drama stands out among others in the pack because its offbeat plot turns make it hard for the viewer to match a rhythm to itSeptember 17, 2005
Baldwin, Ward and Leigh are all perfect in this violent and funny and underseen gem.October 01, 2004
A terrific crime movie that's both quirky and gritty.February 12, 2016
[George] Armitage gets Willeford's cracked black humor and slightly off-kilter universe ...