Drive (2011)
Driver an unnamed skilled Hollywood stuntman who moonlights as a getaway driver for criminals would have to do extra work when one deal gets out of hand.
28 July 1965, Kosova, Yugoslavia
30 December 1934, Los Angeles, California, USA
3 October 1986, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
3 March 1977, USA
4 April 1964, Wheaton, Illinois, USA
13 August 1986, Moab, Utah, USA
17 March 1957, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
22 July 1947, Beverly Hills, California, USA
13 April 1950, New York City, New York, USA
9 March 1979, Guatemala
1938, Peoria, Illinois, USA
27 February 1964, Mordiallic, Australia
28 May 1985, Westminster, London, England, UK
7 March 1956, Hollywood, California, USA
June 22, 2013
This is pop art of the highest degree.March 04, 2013
Hands down the coolest film of 2011, Drive is a stylised genre film where the genre is constantly changing.October 02, 2012
Something under the hood of Drive captured my heart; director Nicolas Winding Refn has admirably crafted a fine piece of retro-noir cinema.May 03, 2015
Swoon.September 16, 2011
The extreme and escalating violence will prove off-putting to some-frankly, I'm surprised not to have been among them-but for the rest, Drive is a needle-punch of adrenaline to the aorta.October 07, 2015
It's understandable that the hipster critical mob would put its stamp of approval on this one.September 16, 2011
In reworking genres without quoting shamelessly, Refn proves himself his own man and a guy quite capable of taking us places we didn't even know we wanted to go.September 21, 2011
Sure, it's shallow, but it's also slickly compelling, beautifully crafted and so damn shiny.April 17, 2015
I'll never forget the first time I saw Drive. I've since never been able to replicate the experience.September 20, 2011
In grabbing our attention, [Refn] diverts it from what matters. The horror lingers and seeps; the feelings are sponged away.September 16, 2011
Drive is pedal-to-the-metal stuff. Don't get behind the wheel unless you can take the rush.June 24, 2013
What it had going for it was an uncanny and moving relationship between Gosling and Mulligan.