A Boy Called Christmas
In this origin story of Father Christmas, an ordinary boy (with a loyal pet mouse and a reindeer at his side) sets out on an extraordinary adventure to find his father who is on a quest to discover the fabled village of Elfhelm.
24 November 1974, Bristol, England, UK
19 December 1947, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
27 April 1976, Dulwich, London, England, UK
24 May 1949, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England, UK
7 September 1966, Hammersmith, London, England, UK
18 July 1981, Amstelveen, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
4 July 1952, Heywood, Lancashire, England, UK
22 August 1973, Canandaigua, New York, USA
May 25, 1975 in Chomutov, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]
17 December 1969, Peekskill, New York, USA